A new website is coming, and so Gamer...

The Hub is dark and somehow it reaches through your screen to envelope you in that darkness. You can feel the cold pressing in on your from all sides and your heart is a loud, echoing boom boom boom not just in your chest but outside it.




The sound goes on forever and you wonder just how big the Hub is, how tall the ceilings, how far the walls you can’t see.

The cold starts to set into your bones and jut as you wonder if the darkness is real or your eyes have been plucked from your head, a brilliant green-blue light rises from the ground. It circles your feet, and as it moves you can see the shape of massive scales, hear the downdraft of equally massive wings, before it is gone replaced by a slit-pupiled eye as big as your head.

The giant teal eye blinks.

'Greetings, Defiant One. I am Vren, the world dragon. You do not know me, but you will. Soon. Until then...

'I was not always a dragon, once I was but code in a game, this game.'

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