Top Ten Tuesday – Bookish goals for 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the good people at the Broke and the Bookish.
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the good people at the Broke and the Bookish.

For this round of Top Ten Tuesday, I’m breaking my list up into two sections. The first section is for this year’s writing-related goals and the second are my reading-related goals.

Writing goals

  1. I completed the first draft of my first book, Hero, just after Christmas, so I think it’s only fair if I have a completed manuscript by the end of 2013 (if not before).
  2. Comprehensively outline book two (working title, Skin) in the Jorn trilogy.
  3. A-little-more-than-roughly outline book three (working title, Native).
  4. Come up with an appropriate title for the series. I almost like The Jorn Chronicles, but only almost.

Reading goals

Here, you may note that a number of my goals include some of last week’s to-read list, as well as a few other challenges. This is not cheating, it’s just good common sense. Promise.

  1. Read 11 books by female Aussie authors for the 2013 Australian Women Writers Challenge.
  2. Read at least a book a week, and 60 within the year, for the Goodreads challenge.
  3. Read more books from outside of science fiction, fantasy and urban fantasy.
  4. Read all of the ebooks I’ve bought and not read (there are many).
  5. Read On Writing and Story.
  6. Reduce the number of books in my TBR pile by 10%, which, as of today, stands at 240. Here’s my hit list for 2013.

Anyone else want to commit to reading 10% of their TBR pile this year?

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Bookish goals for 2013

  1. Ebooks have a way of creeping up on me. I buy them and forget I have them. And unlike physical books they aren’t all over the place reminding you to read them. I, too, really should aim to read all of the ebooks I’ve read and ignored. 
    Good luck with the goals on your list – both the writing and reading ones. I’d sign up for reading 10% of my to-read list but I know it’s a challenge I couldn’t possible manage to achieve. It seems that for every book I read ten more take its place.

    1. @whYAnot That is so true, but I figure if I don’t give it a shot, it’ll never get done, and what’s the worst that can happen if I fail? I’ll just have to read 10% of 500 next year 🙂

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